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People with chronic pain, like all people, live in a social environment. While your experience of chronic pain may be largely internal, you continue to live and work in a world where you have relationships with other people.

For many people living with pain, talking about pain with family, friends, colleagues, clinicians, and others can be a challenge or even an activity that makes pain worse. For some, the challenge is in how to talk with others about pain, particularly when the other person may not really understand what it is like to live with pain. For others, the challenge may be associated with adjusting to new roles where family or friends are acting as caregivers. Other challenges may be associated with communication itself. Pain is often associated with memory difficulties or difficulties organizing thoughts or coming up with the right words for your message.

Relationships and support are central to living well with chronic pain. Those around you can impact your symptoms, mood, and sense of well-being. The goal of this module is to share ideas for how to have the best communication with those who share in your pain experience.

Take this quiz to assess your communication style

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How would your close friends describe you?
When you spend time with friends how do you communicate your needs/feelings/desires to them?
What is something you try to avoid doing in your interactions with others?
What do you do when a close friend has a personal achievement?
What is your primary goal when someone is sharing an idea that you disagree with?
How are you most likely to respond to a friend that let you down?
Which of the following can you see yourself doing when someone is too loud and behaving rudely in a social situation?
How do you act physically when speaking to others?
What do you do when you disagree with a friend?

Based on your responses, your primary communication style is {primary_style}. However, communication styles can change when you're in different social settings. For example, how you communicate with others may depend on whether you are speaking to your family vs. people you work with.

Learn about the three communication styles

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Communication style is on a spectrum, and your communication style may depend on how you are feeling or who you are speaking with. For this reason, you may find it helpful to learn about all communication styles.

There are three common communication styles:

Aggressive communicators stand up for their rights at the expense of others. Such people often speak loudly, act superior, and may bully others. Their goal is to control, to win, and to force others to lose or back down.

Passive communicators find it hard to express their honest thoughts and feelings. They often put the feelings of others before their own. They tend to feel victimized, may be secretly angry and stressed.

Assertive communicators are effective because they share their own needs. They show respect for themselves and others and make good use of compromise. They speak directly, act confidently, and maintain good eye contact while communicating. Assertive communication gives you the best chance of delivering your message successfully.

Traits of the Three Communication Styles


  • Feel open to share feelings, opinions, and needs with others
  • Control anger
  • Willing to compromise
  • High self-esteem
  • Respect the opinions of others and disagree respectfully
  • Good listener
  • Can say no without feeling guilty


  • Apologetic and self-deprecating
  • Indecisive
  • Low self-esteem
  • Slumped posture and downcast eyes
  • Quiet or muffled speech
  • Don’t like to disagree with others
  • Feel no one cares about personal opinions, wants, or needs


  • Feel superior to others
  • Poor listening skills
  • Unwilling to compromise
  • Do not respect the opinions of others
  • Close-minded
  • Interrupt others often
  • Speak loudly

Tips for each communication style

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Tips for Aggressive Communicators:

  • Listen to what the other person is saying, avoid planning what to say next as the other person is talking.
  • Avoid talking over the other person. Think of it like a tennis match: conversation goes back and forth, instead of just one person talking
  • Find ways to compromise, instead of trying to ‘win’ in a conversation.
  • Evaluate how your conversation went. Take time to think about how your conversation went so you know what to work on for next time.
  • Acknowledge other people’s feelings, which lets them know they have been heard and may help them to be more understanding of your concerns.
  • Be specific. Try to focus on what someone actually says or does in a certain instance, rather than making vague or broad accusations.

Tips for Passive Communicators:

  • Prepare ahead of time what you want to say.
  • Be specific. Try to focus on what someone actually says or does in a certain instance, rather than making vague or broad accusations.
  • Share your emotions. Share how you feel about someone's behavior.
  • Clearly tell people what you want them to do next time. Try to be specific and realistic.
  • Evaluate how your conversation went. Take time to think about how your conversation went so you know what to work on for next time.
  • Be direct and concise while sharing your needs and concerns.

Assertive communication will help your family members, friends, and doctors have a better idea of what you are going through related to chronic pain and how they can help.

Talking about pain with people who do not have pain

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As anybody living with pain knows, it can be difficult to explain your pain to others. Pain is experienced differently for each person, and can vary in its severity, impact, and related symptoms. While most people can relate to brief acute pain, most people do not have a framework for understanding what chronic pain is like.

Each person living with pain has a different level of comfort with what they want to share. And, for many, how much they want to share may change based on who is listening. For example, a person living with pain may want to share a lot of detail with a spouse, close family member or best friend; they might want to share only a modest amount of information with a more distant relative or acquaintance; and they might want to share relatively little with somebody they barely know or an employer.

When talking about your pain with people who do not have pain, here are some points to consider

  • Who is my audience? It is important to consider the person’s role, relationship, knowledge, and what they might do with the information you share.
  • How much do I want to tell them? It is important to realize that you do not have to share anything with anybody. In fact, in some scenarios, such as employment, it may be best to only share the information that relates to a specific need, such as accommodations. In other cases, however, it is important to share so that you get the support you deserve. In the end, deciding how much to tell another person may be best decided based on the next item:
  • When this conversation is over, what do I want the other person to know__? We encourage people with pain to think about the end of the conversation first, spending some time thinking about what pieces of information they would like the listener to take away. For example, you might need your employer to know that you have a condition that causes pain, but that it can be managed with rest breaks every 2 hours. Or you might want your spouse to know that being in pain is really scary for you and that you would like their support when feeling afraid. If you know what you want the listener to get from the conversation, then you can focus your conversation to be about those specific needs which helps the listener get the point you want to make.
  • When this conversation is over, what do I want the other person to do__? Sometimes, even when we believe we are communicating our wishes clearly, we are not clear at all!

Consider this example:

One night, Lisa’s pain and fatigue were especially high. She told her husband “I’m not feeling well tonight.”

Her husband responded by leaving her alone, so that she could rest quietly.

This caused Lisa to get upset because she felt her husband had abandoned her just when she was not feeling well.

Lisa assumed that her husband would know what she needed without having to tell him.

Next time, it might be more effective for Lisa to be specific about what she needs from her husband. In addition to telling her husband how she feels, she might also ask him to do something specific. For example, she might have said, “I’m not feeling well tonight. Can you just sit and read to me for a while?”

In the situation above, Lisa thought she was asking for help by describing how she was feeling. In your communications it is often helpful to think about what you want to ask for and be sure to say your request clearly and directly.  Although many people find it uncomfortable to ask for help, we know that a well-stated request is always better than implying what is needed.

A person without pain may never fully understand what it is like to live with pain. This is not meant to be pessimistic. Rather, it reflects the reality that pain conditions are complex diseases and can be difficult to understand. Having this perspective also reminds the person living with pain that they cannot assume their partner is going to know what to do without some specific request. (This might also help you recognize that you might not know what it is like to be in their shoes either!)

Avoiding common pitfalls

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Communication, by definition, requires at least two people. When communication fails, it is tempting to think: “I communicate well, it’s the other person’s fault for not understanding”.

Actually, to be a good communicator, the communicator needs to craft their message so that the intended receiver can understand it.

Communicating well is not as easy as it might seem. Communication often breaks down when a person does the following:

  • Does not listen to what is being said
  • Plans what to say next, instead of hearing what is being said
  • Forms an opinion about what the other person might say before he or she says it
  • Responds to what he or she thinks the other person said, not what the other person really said

Organizing thoughts to communication more effectively

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For some people living with pain, cognitive difficulties can further complicate communication in relationships. Cognitive changes can impact areas that are important in conversation, such as your speed of thinking, ability to plan and organize, and ability to find the word you are looking for. Frustrating challenges in relationships can include keeping up in conversation (due to change in thinking speed), clearly conveying a thought or solution to a problem (due to difficulty with planning and organizing), or finding the words to describe a specific need (due to word-finding difficulty). It is very important for people living with pain to learn strategies to manage these difficulties.

Examples include:

  • Ask for more time. Most people with pain feel that they can participate in conversation the way they would like as long as they have enough time. If the other person in the conversation does not need extra time, they may not recognize that they need to slow down. Therefore, it is important to ask for more time if you need it. This can include making a statement about needing more time (“It takes me a minute to think these things through”) or might require a more specific request (“I am not able to keep up, so just need a minute to get my thoughts together”)
  • Use paper and pencil to organize your thoughts. If you are entering into an important conversation – about a challenge, or with a physician, or about your finances – consider writing down the key points ahead of time. This can help with organization and can give you a reference to make sure you have covered all of the points you would like to cover.
  • Talk through word-finding difficulties. Not being able to come up with a word is very frustrating. However, we also know that stopping conversation because of a forgotten word can increase frustration and make it more likely that more words will be forgotten. Therefore, it can be helpful to try to talk around forgotten words, rather than stop the conversation to find them. It might mean using a different word or using multiple words to describe the word that is missing.

Communication with family

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If you help your family understand and accept your condition or disorder, they may be better able to support you. Some things you can do include:

  • Helping your family to learn more about your condition or disorder – its diagnosis, symptoms, and effects on you. Encourage them to meet with your healthcare provider to get their questions answered.
  • Share the MyPelvicPlan program so that your family members can learn more about chronic pain
  • Working with your family to keep your home life as positive as possible
  • Letting your family know that when you feel well, you will do whatever you can to help but that you must also pace yourself so your symptoms don't get worse. See Pacing for tips.
  • Talking with your family about things other than you own health. Show an interest in what is going on in their lives as well.

Tips for family and friends

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As detailed throughout this section, a care-partnership can be a complicated relationship. Just as we have suggested specific strategies to the person living with pain, we have a few to suggest for the care-partner or family and friends as well:

  • Ask for specific ways to help. We highlighted earlier in this section that a common "error" in communication about pain is the tendency to describe what is wrong without asking for a specific type of help. This puts pressure on you, as the care-partner, to guess what is needed. We have suggested people living with pain be more specific in asking for help. You can help with this by asking what help they would like, if they do not bring it up themselves.
  • Make a plan for how you can help the other person without losing control of your own life.
  • Share your feelings. You may learn that the other person has the same concerns you do.
  • Take care of yourself. Being a care-partner to a person with pain is more of a marathon than a sprint. While it may be tempting to give yourself over completely to the person with pain, particularly if you care deeply about them, it is important to take care of yourself, too. While it may feel selfish to take time for yourself, it will ultimately allow you to be a better caregiver.
  • Being a care-partner does not mean you need to do everything; rather, part of your role can be helping the person with pain do what they can. Out of a place of helpfulness, care-partners are often eager to jump in and do tasks for people with pain. In some cases, this help includes doing things that the person with pain can actually do or could learn to do if done differently. If that is the case, then doing the task for them may unintentionally add to their disability. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance, where you provide help when needed, but provide support in the adjustment process for other tasks.
  • Talk about other things. Your relationship needs to be about more than just pain. If you dwell on the pain, it may actually cause the person's pain to worsen.